How I Balance Being a Mom and Business Owner - Meg Carlisle, Owner & CEO of Platform Hair Extensions

How I Balance Being a Mom and Business Owner - Meg Carlisle, Owner & CEO of Platform Hair Extensions

Balance? You ask how I balance being a mom and a business owner. It’s impossible, and I continue to recognize that I won’t be able to give 100% to either one all the time. 

Some days require me to be more present in the business, other days, I push business aside and focus on being present with my kids. Most days, however, require a juggle of kids, business, employees, husband, and so much more, and that’s where you can feel like you’re losing your mind a little bit. I’ve learned over the years that focusing on routines, schedules, time management, and good habits helps me not waste time thinking about the small things. For example, I drink the same chai every morning in the same cup at home, I get my kids ready in the same way every day, and I have the same routine every night. I like not having to think so much about certain things —it frees up space and time to make hard decisions and move the needle every day. 



I’m grateful that every day is a fresh start, and I do my best not to let the mom guilt eat me alive. When I start to feel guilty, I try to think of things I’m grateful for, which helps pull me out of the funk. 

Michael J Fox, who suffers from severe Parkinson’s disease, recently said, “With gratitude, optimism is sustainable.”

In my opinion, you can accomplish ANYTHING and live a really happy life with optimism. Gratitude=optimism=quality life.  

Below are a few books that have helped me focus my mindset:

Atomic Habits 

The Untethered Soul

The Obstacle is the Way 

For a full list, check out our recent blog post that covers ten of my favorite motivational books and podcasts.  

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you amazing moms, aunts and friends. You are the true heroes of this world.