Platform's 2024 Hair Trends

We are back with another trend breakdown. This time, we are reviewing the top hair trends we anticipate for 2024.
Bows, Bows, and more BOWS
Bows are the hair accessories of the season. Everyone is loving hair bows of all sizes. We think the massive bows from last year will stick around but that dainty bows will be the real star this year.
Short Hair is Still Going Strong
In 2023, we saw a significant rise in people opting to let go of their long locks. That will still be going strong in 2024, but even more exaggerated, think above the shoulder. To be even more specific, it is above shoulder length with lots of texture and maybe even a side part thrown in. Follow our CEO Meg (@megmeghair) for all the short hair inspo.
The Lay Down Claw Clip or Flat Claw Clip
Yes, another hair accessory trend. We all know the claw clip has ruled for years. This version is a large, flat clip that can be used similarly to a traditional claw clip. Many find it more comfortable, especially when driving or sitting in an office chair with a high back.

She's back: The Side Part
For some, she probably never left, which means you're ahead of the times. We can't wait to see the side part make a comeback. Think dramatic side parts creating lots of volume and body, just like we used to love. But we don't think the middle part will go anywhere; it's always a classic.
2024, the Year of Red
Fashion experts are saying red will be huge this year. This will stand for hair color, too. We think this will look like all-in-bright red, strong strawberry blondes, or a little auburn with brunette.
Micro K-Tips will Become More Popular
Micro K-Tips are the new kid on the block in terms of hair extensions. We think they will become more popular as people see how undetectable and comfortable they are. Platform Hair Extensions happens to have some of the most revolutionary Micro K-Tips on the market that are now available in 25". Shop the full color line-up here.
Slick vs. Messy
Slick-back buns and ponytails have been all the rage for the last few years. The more lived-in looks will be coming back this year. We will see more messy buns, loose braids, and textured ponytails vs. the super sleek looks of the past few years.